Sunday, November 15

Motown for the 21st Century

I constantly seek new artist to fill my monday mornings with, artist that will inspire me to write, to draw, to thrive each and every day with any artistic endeavors I decide to challenge myself with. I think I found something new, something fresh and something that in three months wont bore me,
The Noisettes.
"So Complicated"

Why am I weary and why does my head feel so light?
Should I tear up the letters signed signed from my black knight who thrills me?
If love doesn't kill me I'll be lonely as a king with everything

Wild as a flower, true love carries on anywhere
Out of the concrete or from window ledges
Just tell them we could be building something out of our despair

Don't make this so complicated
So complicated
I did not mean to keep you waiting
But I still want your love
I miss your touch

I squandered my daydreams
Don't tell me, I already know
Something so beautiful and chilled to the bone
I could have killed him
I'd tell the children
"Send your heart out for repair"

Listen to their album, 'Wild Young Hearts'
its like Motown for the 21st Century.