Thursday, January 21

And my soul said "Oh hey, Ive been looking for you"

Here's to meeting your mom and uncle in unpredicatable manners,
To long drives and silent fights, to loud music and short arguments.
Here's to reminiscing on Doll Face and Bossman, the unrated version.
To meeting in stairwells and platonic conversations,
Here's to "meet me at the locker" and curt responses.
To deciding which date sounded best, january 21st, 28th or sometime mid-may
Here's to Lactaid Pills and Ben & Jerry's dates, to knowing the in's and out's of every restroom at the mall.
Here's to taking too many unimportant pictures, and not having one on record of our paper anniversary.
To dancing Bachata, Merengue and Salsa, but lacking confidence to speak Spanish.
Here's to summer's apart and distant e-mails.
To "Hello's" from Cuba, and questions from Colombia.
To Pao, Paooo, and Susy's, to REV, Rube and Ruby Tuesday.
Here's to putting the GAT in Gatlinburg and spending too much time consumed by a southern accent.
To correct grammar, spelling and high SAT scores.
To slacking, working, cheating and passing.
Here's to December 8th, and all its awkwardness.
To singing Bittersweet, but changing the lyrics to fit our situation.
To haircuts, hair growth and looking like Che Guevara.
Here's to pedicures and massages, to falling asleep on my couch instead of finishing the Corpse Bride.
Here's to this.

And heres to nothing, that turned into something.
To a friendship that blossomed and became a date, a day of celebration and love.
Here's to yesterday, today, and tomorrow.
To the days we fought, laughed, loved, kissed, forgave, and nearly gave up.
Here's to days that ended on a bad note, and morning texts asking for amnesia.
To mistakes, redemption, and words we never meant to say.
Here's to all the negatives, because postive frames and pictures have developed from them.