Tuesday, October 6

"But I know how it feels.."

Theres a sort of fixation people have on someone they believe commited an offense, against them, their friends, society or themselves. There are plenty of ways one person can hurt another, physically, emotionally, or through means of interaction with another being. It's unfair though, as well as a common misconception, that anyone wants to hurt someone purposely and is willing to take the necessary steps to hurt this said person - unless of course, you tempted them.

I refuse to apologize any longer, continue explaining who I am, why I say things and who I say them to. If I say 'I love you' it probably means you are one of my favorite people at the moment, unless of course its followed by a kiss, then we have a much stronger connection than is believed. If I promise to have your kids, its probably foreshadowing a near end to our friendship, do you see a trend? I usually dont mean what I say, and chances are your name was picked out of random, and one day I decided we would be friends, this is called destiny.

Needless to say, months later I shouldnt be hearing your side of the story, about this girl who purposly did this to you, and kept things from you, and made you do that, what-a-load of BULL. There are three sides to every side of the story, your's, mine and somewhere in between is the truth.

Never is such a strong negative word, with little room for exceptions, but I am the general term; and I follow this very closely 'I would never purposely hurt another person' - thats why I havent attacked your persona, your relationship, or what you look like. I used to be sorry, but not after today.

I dont apologize, because my intentions were simply platonic.